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Guyana’s VP Has No Details on Vessel

Guyana’s Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo has no details on vessels bringing in crude oil to its territory

Following the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival, Senior Superintendent Rohdill Kirk of the Tobago branch of Trinidad and Tobago Police Service reported a notably safe national carnival in Tobago. Stakeholders are currently evaluating and sharing feedback on the event. Guyana’s Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo refrained from confirming if a crude oil-filled tanker was heading to Guyana.

At a recent press conference in Guyana, Jagdeo faced inquiries from local reporters after revelations from Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of National Security about a tugboat named “Solo Creed” towing a barge carrying crude oil from Panama to Guyana. The tugboat disappeared eleven days ago, while the barge capsized near Tobago, causing an oil spill into the sea on February 7th, resulting in an ecological crisis.

The following video has the details

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