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EMA Might be Underfunded

Concerns over funding cuts for the Tobago Recycling Resource Initiative (TRRI) have raised significant alarms across the island. Kandace Jackson delves into the situation with insights from former Secretary of Infrastructure, Quarries, and the Environment, Kwesi Des Vignes.

During his tenure from 2017 to 2021, Kwesi Des Vignes prioritized environmentally sustainable initiatives in Tobago, including initiatives aimed at recycling and waste management. Recognizing the need to address the mounting issue of single-use plastics at the Studley Park Dump, Des Vignes collaborated with the emerging Tobago Recycling Resource Initiative. Together with the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) and i-Care in Trinidad, they secured initial funding approvals.

Des Vignes clarified that despite initial efforts, the EMA had not disbursed funds at the outset. Instead, they proceeded internally with support from the Tobago House of Assembly and the Division of Health to kickstart operations crucial for Tobagonians.

By November 2020, operations were underway, marked by significant public education efforts and the collection of recyclable materials. Formal agreements and legal documents outlining the partnership are housed within the Department of Environment, ensuring transparency and accountability.

However, in November 2022, TRRI received notice of impending funding cuts, which materialized by April of the following year. Des Vignes attributed this to a potential shortfall in funding from the Green Fund, which typically supports such environmental initiatives.

Expressing concern over the sustainability of TRRI’s operations, Des Vignes estimated an annual operating cost of approximately $2 million. He urged both the Tobago House of Assembly and private sector entities to consider stepping in to fill the financial gap and ensure the initiative’s continuity.

Des Vignes emphasized the importance of maintaining public confidence and trust in TRRI’s mission, despite the challenges. He called upon all stakeholders to collaborate diligently to prevent the shutdown of a vital environmental initiative for Tobago.

For further updates on efforts to secure funding and sustain the Tobago Recycling Resource Initiative, please stay tuned to Tobago Updates Television News or contact the Department of Environment directly.

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