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PM Chastises Opposition on Guyana-Venezuela Situation

Amidst Guyana and Venezuela’s ongoing battle over the Essequibo region, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has called out UNC’s Political Leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar for wanting Trinidad and Tobago to be a mediator between the two countries. 

Dr Rowley noted that anyone who wants to pretend to speak about the Guyana-Venezuela situation, asking the government or CARICOM to intervene as mediators should know that they are going against the position of the people of Guyana. 

The Prime Minister further explained that Guyana places its doors and fortunes in the adjudication of the International Court of Justice, this is their position. However, Venezuela does not recognize this court and that negotiations and dialogues will have to evolve to where they both can meet. 

Dr Rowley said all intervening would do is worsen the situation for the people of Guyana. He stated that if support is being shown for Guyana, it can’t be shown verbally while undermining what that country believes is its best approach.

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