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Edibles Present in Schools

The use of substances has become prevalent among schoolchildren due to their exposure to society. It has led to unfortunate situations, and parents are advised to keep a close eye on their children. Sergeant Jordan discussed a case involving a school child who fell from their home’s balcony. Initially ruled as a suicide, it was later determined to be the result of substance use in the form of a brownie. He also explained that the effects of drugs can differ from person to person.

Jordan explained how children are exposed to these substances, particularly through brownies. Sergeant Jordan pointed out that the varying potency of these substances can significantly impact those who use them. He issued a warning about accepting items from strangers that individuals might be unaware of.

Sargent Jordan also highlighted the destructive effects of alcoholism in our society, particularly the risky practice of mixing drinks. The issue of gateway drugs was also raised, along with an explanation of how it leads to further problems. It is a problem that Sargent Jordan wants parents to be aware of. 

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