Storebay Redevelopment Project, Upcoming Projects & Update on Tobago October Carnival | Councillor Tashia Grace Burris | Host: Shenell Felix | Tobago Updates Good Morning Tobago...
Tourism Secretary Tashia Burris discusses the allocation for the redevelopment of the Store Bay beach facility.
Councillor Tashia Burris says the long-term plan is to privatize the Tobago October carnival.
Tourism Secretary Councillor Tashia Burris says that upgrading the store bay beach facility is a priority.
Junior Tourism Secretary Anthurium Lewis arrives in the Cayman Islands.
IDA calls on the T.H.A. To engage stakeholders in wider consultations about the development of Store Bay beach facility.
U.T.P. political leader Nickocy Phillips questions the need for a Store Bay beach facility upgrade when there are other issues requiring financial attention.
P.D.P. Political leader Watson Duke condemns the way new Store Bay beach facility plans are being handled.
Store Bay vendors express mixed views about proposed plans for new Store Bay beach facility.
Tobago delegation to participate in SOTIC