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CARICOM chair warns the region about M-Pox

CARICOM chair Dickon Mitchell advises the region to be vigilant of M-Pox

Dickon Mitchell, Chair of CARICOM and Prime Minister of Grenada is calling for increased vigilance regarding M-Pox in the Caribbean following the WHO’s declaration of it as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on August 14, 2024.He encourages citizens to stay informed through updates from CARPHA and local health authorities and to report any unusual rashes or symptoms, particularly for those who have travelled to affected areas. Mitchell outlined a coordinated response involving the CARICOM Secretariat and CARPHA, which will monitor incoming passengers and identify potential cases. He emphasised the need for collective action to protect community health amid the ongoing situation, especially given the current outbreak’s prevalence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Although no Mpox clade 1b cases have been reported in the Caribbean, heightened surveillance and preparedness are essential. Mpox, caused by the monkeypox virus, can spread through contact with infected individuals or materials. He has promised regular updates on the situation as more information becomes available.

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