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Breadfruit Tree Distribution

Trinidad serves as the primary source of food for Tobago, and the island’s ongoing seabridge crisis has led to a significant shortage of certain food products. Owner of Breadfruit, Raul Bermudez strongly believes that indiscriminately sharing numerous seeds without a clear objective is an inefficient use of food resources. Instead, he advocates for the distribution of fruit and vegetable plants that are known for their ability to yield substantial harvests, such as breadfruit.

He partnered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to cultivate breadfruit trees, and he has successfully distributed more than 8,000 trees across the nation, including some in Tobago. Bermudez stated that the genuine warmth of Tobagonians consistently inspires him to make repeated visits to the island. Given that breadfruit holds a significant place in the island’s heritage and culture, he is determined to ensure that these cherished traditions can be passed down to future generations.

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