In a groundbreaking move for Tobago’s sports landscape, the island’s premier sports camp has introduced elite disciplines such as chess and golf, expanding its offerings beyond traditional athletic activities. This shift marks a significant development, as these sports are relatively uncommon in the Tobago region but are quickly gaining popularity.
Sean Nedd, one of the chess trainers, spoke with Tobago Updates. He highlighted that chess’s popularity is growing and added that the sport hones critical thinking skills in children. Going beyond the scope of the summer sports camp, the Tobago chess community has big plans in store.
Meanwhile, Kenneth Sardina, golf coach, commended the inclusion of Gulf in this year’s camp offerings. Admirably, young Keil Yearwood stood proudly as the camp coordinator for Shaw Park Field, where he oversees golf, cricket, football, chess, and volleyball. He expressed that though the task proves to be challenging, he thoroughly enjoys inciting a passion for sports in the children. He further shared his sentiments on the benefits of sport.
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