TTPS warns public about online Christmas scams.
TTPS find drugs and ammunition in big drug bust.
School intervention unit of the TTPS advises on child safety measures for the Christmas season.
TTPS conducted anti-crime operations in three districts in Tobago.
The Tobago Division of the TTPS hosts health and wellness fair for International Men’s Day.
TTPS says increased manpower and better inter-agency collaboration has led to several arrests.
Commissioner of police Erla Harewood-Christopher thanks officers for ensuring Tobago October carnival was safe and successful.
Senior. Sup Ellie says October is the safest month in Tobago for the year.
T.T.P.S. assures the public that all is in place to deal with any eventuality over the Tobago October carnival weekend.
Tobago business chamber chairman Martin George calls for the police service commission to evaluate the effectiveness of TTPS.