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Opposition leader condemns coat-of-arms change

Opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar criticizes change of coat of arms, accuses politicians of using history for electoral gain.

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has condemned the recent changes to the coat of arms, arguing that such actions oversimplify and distort history. Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley announced at a recent PNM meeting that the three ships belonging to Christopher Columbus on the coat of arms will be replaced with images of the steelpan. Persad-Bissessar criticized the portrayal of Christopher Columbus as a hero, calling him a “navigational idiot” and a perpetrator of severe atrocities. Persad-Bissessar contended that altering symbols and names does not improve historical understanding or address present issues. She noted that true history, including both good and bad aspects, should be taught in schools and not manipulated for political gain. Persad-Bissessar warned against using historical grievances for electoral advantage, which could inflame ethnic tensions and undermine societal peace. She urged citizens to focus on current issues and hold politicians accountable for their policies, rather than being swayed by emotionally charged historical debates.

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