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Intra-Regional Ferry Discussions Continue

High-level meeting initiated for Intra-Regional Ferry Service discussions; Caribbean officials tour galleons passage in Trinidad and Tobago

Discussions are ongoing regarding the establishment of an intra-regional ferry service in the Caribbean. Caribbean officials gathered at the Ministry of Works and Transport to plan the Intra-Regional Ferry Service implementation. Minister Rohan Sinanan led the meeting, with participation from regional Ministers including G.P. Ian Gooding-Edghill from Barbados and Deodat Indar from Guyana. Dr. Pauline Yearwood from the Caribbean Community Secretariat also attended, alongside other officials specializing in Immigration, Customs, and Plant Quarantine.
The delegation visited the Galleons Passage vessel in Trinidad and Tobago, learning about maritime operations at the Port Authority. These discussions represent a significant stride towards improving regional connectivity and streamlining transportation across Caribbean territories.
This initiative is separate from the private “Connect Caribe” project, aiming for an intra-regional ferry service by the end of 2024.

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