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Hinds meets with counter trafficking unit

National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds holds meeting with counter trafficking unit on tips report.

Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds held a meeting with the Directorate and staff of the Counter-Trafficking Unit in the Ministry of National Security. A review of the Trafficking in Persons (TIPs) Report issued by the U.S. Department of State was the focal point of the meeting. Screening and Protection, Evidence Collection, Strengthening Partnerships and Collaboration with Non-Profit Organizations were discussed. This was done to promote anti-trafficking efforts, sensitization to the public and expand the categories of persons who can identify indicators of human trafficking victimhood. Moreover, focusing on these areas enhances techniques for increased investigation and prosecution of human trafficking offenders. Minister Hinds assured that the government is committed to combatting human trafficking. Hinds said it is a legal and moral obligation which upholds the freedom, dignity and rights of every person within the nation’s borders. He also declared that they were dedicated to implementing the recommendations of the U.S. Department of State which ensures that the country is aligned with international best standards. 

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