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Bearing with Inconveniences

The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Tobago Division, in collaboration with Licensing Officers, have been conducting various exercises across Tobago aimed at combating crime and promoting road safety. However, drivers and pedestrians alike have been complaining about the inconvenience of these exercises, which they claim disrupt their daily lives. Senior Superintendant Tobago Rohdill Kirk addressed these concerns and urged them to bear with the inconvenience caused. Senior Superintendant Rohdill Kirk is asking the public to endure these inconveniences for the greater good since many people have been calling on law enforcement officers to do their jobs. 

Kirk noted that there were times when people were arrested for possessing firearms, highlighting that several firearms were recovered in Trinidad using similar exercises. Kirk stated that if it got to this point, nothing could be done. He acknowledged that their approach may seem oppressive, but they need to do their jobs. Addressing the issue of protests on the island against these exercises, Kirk said that people have a right to protest, but it must be done within the legal framework of the law. He then noted the incident of persons burning tyres by the Mt Marie walkover.

He warned that they would not tolerate persons acting in an errant manner against the law, which would be enforced. Kirk advised that if people want to protest peacefully, such as by doing marches, they need to seek permission from the TTPS. He urged the public to act within the law so that there would be no issues with the police.

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