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Among those taking the oath of office is the youngest independent senator ever to serve in the country, Helon Francis. He is the 2018 Calypso Monarch and the winner of the Young King song competition in 2016. In addition to his thriving singing career, he passionately focuses on nurturing the artistic talents and skills of young individuals.

Another of the newly appointed senators is Professor Gerard A. Hutchinson. He holds the position of psychiatry professor and serves as the unit lead for the psychiatry unit within the Faculty of Medical Sciences at UWI. He also holds the role of Department Head of Mental Health in the North Central Regional Authority.

Dr. Sharda Patasar is also taking the oath of office. She is a versatile artist with an educational background, possessing a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from UWI. In addition to her academic achievements, Dr. Patasar has authored numerous publications that delve into Trinidad’s cultural aspects.

The fourth Independent senator appointed today is Sunity Maharaj. She is a journalist and multimedia professional with a remarkable 45-year career in both print and broadcast media. Additionally, she operates her own multimedia production company and serves as an independent media and communication consultant.

The Independent Senators stepping down to make way for the newly appointed ones are Senators Amrita Deonarine, Dr. Varma Deyalsingh, Charrise Seepersad, and Evans Welch.

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