
Senior Citizen’s Luncheon

Chief Secretary Farley Augustine hosted a delightful luncheon for seniors, emphasizing the event’s significance by citing the biblical story of Sarah, who became pregnant at 90. He conveyed the timeless message that age is no barrier to fulfilling one’s purpose in life.

Every single one of you, still have birthed in you a purpose that can be fulfilled. And while part of that might include taking care of the grandbabies it is a lot more than that.” Augustine continued by expressing that during his meeting with the Telecommunications Authority, he underwent their digital survey and realized that the elderly are being left behind in the process of digitization.

He encouraged them to embrace technology, find time to fulfill their purpose, and learn new skills. Augustine also urged them to pass their knowledge on to the younger generation.

Chief Administrator in the Office of the Chief Secretary, Mrs. Denese Toby-Quashie, also addressed the event. Starting her speech with a quote, she said, “The strength of a society is built on the respect it shows to its elders,” and emphasized that the event is much more than just showing respect.

You may ask what else is it about? Well, today is also about expressing love. The tradition of the Chief Secretary Senior Citizen’s Christmas Luncheon goes beyond the gesture of respect into the realm of love.” The luncheon then commenced with persons partaking in food and music performances.

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