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Miss Grand T&T Defends Decision

The Miss Grand Trinidad and Tobago competition’s promoter defends the selection of Mileidy Materano, a Venezuelan national, to represent the country. This follows public backlash about a Venezuelan being selected as the country’s representative. Stolen Productions Limited issued a statement addressing the controversy surrounding this decision.

They acknowledged the hard work of contestants, sponsors, and supporters, emphasizing the judging process’s fairness. SPL clarified that Materano meets the eligibility criteria for the Miss Grand International franchise as a non-native residing in Trinidad and Tobago. They praised her as an intrinsic representative of the country’s culture.

SPL expressed pride in having Materano as a contestant and delegate, highlighting Trinidad’s compassionate response to Venezuelan neighbors in need. They emphasized the rich history of cultural exchange between the two nations. SPL celebrated Materano’s role in representing Trinidad’s diverse society and urged unity in the face of negativity. They affirmed their commitment to inclusivity and acceptance, reinforcing Trinidad and Tobago’s multicultural identity.

SPL expressed confidence in Materano’s representation at the finals in Vietnam and described her as a true example of being ‘Trini.’

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