
Health Secretary responds to claims

Health Secretary Br. B Yisreal says T.R.H.A. is acquiring surrounding property to expand hospital services and defends the purchase of ambulances.

In response to claims being bandied about, Secretary of Health, Wellness and Social Protection Dr. Faith B Yisreal, responded to concerns regarding the TRHA’s ongoing projects. Regarding purchasing Palms Villas in Signal Hill, Dr. B Yisreal explained that the TRHA is upgrading healthcare delivery in Tobago, including plans to secure hospital property boundaries and expand facilities to meet future healthcare demands. Talks are underway with landowners near the Scarborough General Hospital to acquire additional space for future expansion. These discussions are still in the early stages and have not been formalised. Regarding purchasing new ambulances, Dr. B Yisreal clarified that the TRHA had engaged suppliers for four new vehicles to replace its ageing fleet. Three of the ambulances have passed all necessary inspections in Trinidad, meeting the required standards set by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transportation. She said the TRHA is still working with the supplier to ensure the vehicles fully meet the agreed specifications before final acceptance.

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