
CARICOM – African Day

CARICOM-Africa Day was celebrated in Barbados today, marking the second year of this annual event. It serves as a unifying platform for all CARICOM nations and Africa, forging partnerships in the realms of development, trade, and addressing common challenges in both regions.

The event featured cultural performances that showcased African heritage, along with brief speeches by representatives from the AU, CARICOM, and the Government of Barbados. The occasion was commemorated with a special flag-raising ceremony held at the Barbados Government Headquarters. The flags of the African Union (AU), CARICOM, and Barbados were hoisted against the backdrop of the statue of Right Excellent Sir Grantley Adams, who served as both the first and last Prime Minister of the West Indies Federation.

Following the flag-raising, the national anthems of each respective nation were played with due respect. A series of meetings were held between Africa and representatives from CARICOM throughout the rest of the day. 

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