
Auchenskeoch Road Widening Project


The Division of Infrastructure, Quarries, and Urban Development has written to Lyndy-Ann Parks, chairman of the Hampden/Lowlands/Auchenskeoch Community Council, regarding the widening of the Auchenskeoch road.

This project seeks to address traffic congestion and safety concerns along the Auchenskeoch-Buccoo Road, which extends from the Carnbee Gas Station to Penny Savers Supermarket. The division noted that the current road layout has caused considerable traffic congestion, especially during peak hours. Some of the main issues are limited road width, which results in bottlenecks, unsafe vehicle manoeuvres at the Carnbee Gas Station, and traffic disruptions near the Penny Savers Supermarket car park.

The Division wants to address these issues by proposing to widen the road by approximately 1.7 metres, realign the sidewalk, install new traffic signs and road markets and relocate utilities where needed. These changes aim to enhance traffic flow, improve road safety and create better access to businesses. They acknowledged that the project would cause some disruptions, however, they assured the public that they would try to minimise the inconveniences. The division also indicated that they are willing to participate in a town hall meeting to provide more details.

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